
Expoziția proiectelor doctorale, Universitatea Beira Interior din Covilha, Portugalia, 18-19 mai 2023


Expoziția proiectelor doctorale de la Facultatea de Arte și Design Timișoara, prezentate în cadrul Conferinței Iartes/ Arts Research, organizate de Universitatea Beira Interior din Covilha, Portugalia


Renée Renard

Doctorate student year I, Faculty of Arts and Design, West University of Timișoara/ Romania

Doctorate coordinator: prof.univ.dr. Rudolf Kocsis


The subject of the Doctorate thesis is based on her Master’s dissertation in Sculpture and Ceramics (faBRIQUE, 2022), on the subjects addressed in her art related to memory and micro-history as well as on her family history strongly connected to the brick factory founded by her great-grandparents in 1910 in the village Tomnatic/ Banat (current Romania). The first chapter of the Thesis, The Brick – Element in Construction and Preservation of Memory deals with the history and symbolism of the brick, the relationship between brick and memory and the story of her family related to brick production in the historical, geographical, economical and social context of the first half of the 20th century. The second chapter, The Brick - Element of Artistic Expression in Contemporary Art researches the defining elements for sculpture in the 20th century, built sculpture, representative artists for built sculpture and contemporary artists who used brick in their work. The third chapter is dedicated to the presentation and analysis of her art, with the two main thematic areas addressed: memory and micro-history (main projects: A Journey as Long as One Hundred Lives, faBRIQUE, Micro-Terra Banatica) and the convergence between science and art (main project: The Memory Laboratories, The Most Beautiful of My Possible Lives). This chapter also makes an analysis of her migration from bi-dimensional, mainly digital techniques to three-dimensional means of expression using various media.

The works presented in the Poster are selections from her faBRIQUE project.


Renée Renard is a graduate of the Faculty of Arts and Design in Timisoara (BA in Multimedia Design, MA in Advertising and Book Graphics, MA in Sculpture and Ceramics) and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Currently she is a first year PhD student at the Faculty of Arts and Design Timișoara. 

In her art she approaches two main themes: the convergence between science and art (she initiated the Memory Laboratories) and the documentation/ interpretation of her family's micro-history with Central European origins as well as of the settlers who arrived in Banat in the 18th century (A Journey as Long as One Hundred Lives, faBRIQUE, Micro-Terra Banatica). Preferred media of expression: installation, object, mixed media under the microscope, photography/ video under the microscope, digital processing, adaptations of the old Japanese kintsugi and tataki zome techniques. To date she has had 17 solo exhibitions and over 60 participations in group exhibitions in Romania and abroad.

She was awarded the Murano Prize of the Abate Zanetti School of Glassmaking in Murano/ Italy (2013), the Prize of the Municipality of Portet sur Garonne/ France at the Triennale Européenne de l'Estampe Contemporaine (2016), the First Prize for microphotography at Micromaps 1st edition (2021) and the creative scholarship Energy! 2022.


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